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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxSystemColors



The IGxSystemColors interface contains properties that are used to access the colors determined for various elements in the operating system.


  Property name Brief description
ActiveBorder The ActiveBorder property returns the object that contains the color of the active window border.
ActiveCaption The ActiveCaption property returns the object that contains the color of the active window title.
ActiveCaptionText The ActiveCaptionText property returns the object that contains the font color of the active window caption.
AppWorkspace The AppWorkSpace property returns the object that contains the color of the application workspace.
Control The Control property returns the object that contains the color of 3D objects.
ControlDark The ControlDark property returns the object that contains the darkened color of 3D objects.
ControlDarkDark The ControlDarkDark returns the object that contains the dark color of 3D objects.
ControlLight The ControlLight property returns the object that contains the lightened color of 3D objects.
ControlLightLight The ControlLightLight property returns the object that contains the light color of 3D objects.
ControlText The ControlText property returns the object that contains the font color of 3D objects.
Desktop The Desktop property returns the object that contains the color of the operational system desktop.
GradientActiveCaption The GradientActiveCaption property returns the object that contains the second color of the active window title that is used for the gradient composition.
GradientInactiveCaption The GradientInactiveCaption property returns the object that contains the second color of the inactive window title that is used for the gradient composition.
GrayText The GrayText property returns the object that contains the grey text color.
Highlight The Highlight property returns the object that contains the color of the highlighted menu item.
HighlightText The HighlightText property returns the object that contains the font color of the highlighted menu item.
HotTrack The HotTrack property returns the object containing the color that is used to designate the highlighted element.
InactiveBorder The InactiveBorder property returns the object that contains the color of the inactive window border.
InactiveCaption The InactiveCaption property returns the object that contains the color of the inactive window title.
InactiveCaptionText The InactiveCaptionText property returns the object that contains the font color of the inactive window title.
Info The Info property returns the object that contains the color of the tooltip.
InfoText The InfoText property returns the object that contains the color of the tooltip font.
Menu The Menu property returns the object that contains the color of the menu bar.
MenuText The MenuText property returns the object that contains the font color of the menu bar.
ScrollBar The ScrollBar property returns the object that contains the color of the scrollbar.
Window The Window property returns the object that contains the window color.
WindowFrame The WindowFrame property returns the object that contains the frame color.
WindowText The WindowText property returns the object that contains the color of the window font.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces