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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxStamp


Assembly: Drawing;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;


The IGxStamp interface contains settings of document marking stamp.


It is used by the IGxStamps interface.

A marking stamp is displayed on export and print if:

TIP. To display marking stamp whatever mandatory access or access be security levels is applied, set the IMetabasePolicy.AlwaysPrintDocumentLabel property to True.

Marking stamp settings are saved with the report.

NOTE. When exporting the report to the RTF format, it is possible to disable marking stamp displaying by setting IPrxReportExporter.ExportSecurityLabels to False.

To set up marking stamp for all repository reports and documents, use the Marking Stamp dialog box.


  Property name Brief description
Appearance The Appearance property determines layout variants for stamp on pages.
Offset The Offset property determines the stamp offset from the default position.
Rtf The Rtf property determines marking stamp text in the RTF format.
Size The Size property determines stamp size.
Xml Outdated. Use IGxStamp.Rtf.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces