Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxRect > IGxRect.Deflate
Deflate(DX: Integer, DY: Integer);
DX. Offset by width.
DY. Offset by height.
The Deflate method deflates sizes of the integer rectangle on DX on width and on DY on height.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Obj: ITabObject;
Rect: IGxRect;
Rect:=New GxRect.Create(0,0,Math.RandBetweenI(0,60),Math.RandBetweenI(0,60));
Obj:=UiTabSheet1.TabSheet.Objects.Add("PrxPicture", Rect.ToRectF);
(Obj As IPrxPicture).Image:=GxImage.FromFile("c:\1.bmp");
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example clicking the button creates an image in the regular report. The image source is the 1.bmp file. The size of the image is random and the image is reduced by 10 on width and by 13 on height.
See also: