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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxICMManager



The IGxICMManager interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with color profiles of printers and display.


  Property name Brief description
ICMProfile The ICMProfile property determines the name of the color profile, according to which the transformation is executed.


  Method name Brief description
CheckColor The CheckColor method checks if the specified color is repeated on using the specified color profile.
GetProfiles The GetProfiles method restores the list of the color profiles associated with the specified printer.
GetScreenProfiles The GetScreenProfiles method returns the list of the color profiles matched with the display.
TranslateColor The TranslateColor method translates the specified color in accordance with the palette of the specified color profile.
TranslateImage The TranslateImage method translates the specified image in accordance with the palette of the specified color profile.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces