Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IExporter > IExporter.CSSClassName
CSSClassName: String;
The CSSClassName property determines prefix for elements of HTML styles table.
No prefix is used by default. The use of prefix enables the user to avoid duplicating of style names on exporting the report if all pages of report contain their own styles.
The following example requires the Report object of the IPrxReport type. The unit should contain links to the Report, Tab, Drawing system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
Report: IPrxReport;
Tab: ITabSheet;
Exp: ITabSheetExporter;
Tab := (Report.Sheets.Item(0) As IPrxTable).TabSheet;
Exp := New TabSheetExporter.Create;
Exp.TabSheet := Tab;
Exp.CSSClassName := "someprefix";
Exp.ExportToFile("c:\Report.html", "html");
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the page of the report is exported. The specified prefix is added to the names of the HTML styles. For example, it will be somedprefixc_1 instead of the c_1.
See also: