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Collections > Collections Assembly Classes > BitArray



The BitArray class implements an object that is a dynamic bit array.


Elements of dynamic bit array may store only logical value: True or False. To resize the array, use the Length property. On calling the element, which index is greater than Length, array size is extended automatically. All elements of the array are set to False by default.

Class object properties inherited from IBitArray

  Property name Brief description
Item The Item property determines value of the array element.
Length The Length property determines bit array size.

Class object properties inherited from ICollection

  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of array elements.

Class object methods inherited from IBitArray

  Method name Brief description
Clone The Clone method creates a copy of the array.
SetAll The SetAll method sets each bit of bit array to True.

Class object methods inherited from ICollection

  Method name Brief description
CopyTo The CopyTo method copies the collection into an array.

See also:

Collections Assembly Classes