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MathFin > MathFin Assembly Interfaces > IFinance > IFinance.AmorLinC



AmorLinC(Cost: Double; PurchaseDate: DateTime; FirstPeriodEnd: DateTime; Salvage: Double; Period: Integer; Rate: Double; [Basis: Integer = 0]): Double;

AmorLinC(Cost: Double; PurchaseDate: System.DateTime; FirstPeriodEnd: System.DateTime; Salvage: double; Period: integer; Rate: double; Basis: integer): double;


Cost. Cost for acquiring an asset. Must be positive.

PurchaseDate. Date of acquiring an asset. Must be less than FirstPeriodEnd.

FirstPeriodEnd. End date of the first period. Must be greater than PurchaseDate.

Salvage. The salvage value at the end of the life of the asset. Must belong to the [0;Cost] interval.

Period. Depreciation period. Must be positive.

Rate. Depreciation interest rate. Must be positive.

Basis. The day calculation method used. Select a value from 0 to 4:

Optional parameter.


The AmorLinC method returns the size of depreciation for each period.


This method is used with the French accounting system.

If an asset is acquired in the middle of an accounting period, proportionally distributed depreciation is used.

To get depreciation value for each period considering depreciation coefficient, use the IFinance.AmorDegrC method.

Fore Example

Add a link to the MathFin system assembly.

Sub UserProc;
    r: Double;
    r:= Finance.AmorLinC(2000, DateTime.ComposeDay(2008,01,01),
        DateTime.ComposeDay(2008,08,01), 20010.153);

End Sub UserProc;

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.MathFin;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    r: double;
    Finance: FinanceClass = New FinanceClass();
    DateTime1, DateTime2: System.DateTime;
    DateTime1 := New DateTime(2008,01,01);
    DateTime2 := New DateTime(2008,08,01);
    r := Finance.AmorLinC(2000, DateTime1, DateTime2, 20010.153);
End Sub;

After executing the example the console window displays the depreciation value equal to 300.

See also:
