Transform > Transform Assembly Interfaces > ITsCalendarSettings > ITsCalendarSettings.OffsetDate
OffsetDate(Level: DimCalendarLevel): Integer;
OffsetDate[Level: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.DimCalendarLevel]: integer;
Level. Calendar level.
The OffsetDate property determines the number of days, by which the start date of the specified period is shifted.
Offset is available for the following levels:
Years. Level = DimCalendarLevel.Year.
Quarters. Level = DimCalendarLevel.Quarter.
Months. Level = DimCalendarLevel.Month.
Weeks. Level = DimCalendarLevel.Week.
If the OffsetDate value is positive, the date is shifted forward; when the value is negative, the date is shifted backward. Calendar level name is formed according to the offset.
Set ITsCalendarSettings.IsDateEnd to True if an offset must be set from the end of the specified period.
The property use is given in the example for ITsCalendarSettings.IsDateEnd.
See also: