Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > ISecuritySubjectsSearch > ISecuritySubjectsSearch.NameCriteria
NameCriteria: String;
NameCriteria: System.String;
The NameCriteria property determines a name of the desired security subject.
The following can be specified as value of the property:
Subject name.
Name of a domain subject (the DomainSelectCriteria property controls whether to specify domain).
Template, based on which several security subjects are searched.
The template enables using the substitute character *, that means that zero or more symbols can coincide, for example, "User*".
If requirement to specify domain or domain controller is set in the DomainSelectCriteria property, value for NameCriteria is set in one of the following formats:
To specify domain: <domain>\<subject> or <subject>@<domain.dns>.
To specify domain controller: <domain>\<dc>\<subject>, <dc>.<domain.dns>\<subject> or <subject>@<dc>.<domain.dns>.
The property use is given in the example for ISecuritySubjectsSearch.ExecuteSearch.
See also: