Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseUpdateUserEvents > IMetabaseUpdateUserEvents.OnEndUpdate
OnEndUpdate(Update: IMetabaseUpdate);
Update - update used in current repository.
The OnEndUpdate method implements an event that occurs after updating.
Public Class CUpdateEvents: UpdateEvents
Public Sub OnBeginUpdate(Update: IMetabaseUpdate);
Flag: IMetabaseUpdateProperty;
Debug.WriteLine("Update of repository objects");
Flag := Update.Properties.FindById("Ver");
If Flag <> Null Then
Flag.Value := "1.1";
End If;
End Sub OnBeginUpdate;
Public Sub OnAskConstraintsHandling(Update: IMetabaseUpdate; Node: IMetabaseUpdateNode;
Details: String;
Var Handling: UpdateDataConstraintsHandlingType);
Handling := UpdateDataConstraintsHandlingType.KeepTableUnchanged;
End Sub OnAskConstraintsHandling;
Public Sub OnAskReflectRights(Var Cancel: Boolean);
Cancel := True;
End Sub OnAskReflectRights;
Public Sub OnUpdateObject(Update: IMetabaseUpdate; CurrentNode: IMetabaseUpdateNode; Var Skip: Boolean);
If CurrentNode.NodeType = MetabaseUpdateNodeType.DeleteObject Then
Skip := True;
End If;
End Sub OnUpdateObject;
Public Sub OnEndUpdate(Update: IMetabaseUpdate);
Debug.WriteLine("Update of objects is completed");
End Sub OnEndUpdate;
End Class CUpdateEvents;
This example is a template for update module. On applying of update that contains this module the following checks are performed:
If update contains a flag of update with the Ver identifier, a value "1.1" is assigned for this flag. Only those objects for that a condition of update equals "Ver=1.1" are updated.
On failure of data integrity the update of the whole object is ignored.
Updating permissions to objects, for which it is necessary will be performed only on the platform level.
In update elements that delete repository objects are ignored.
See also: