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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseUpdateProgress > IMetabaseUpdateProgress.OnSkip


Fore Syntax

OnSkip(Data: IMetabaseUpdateProgressData);

Fore.NET Syntax

OnSkip(Data: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase.IMetabaseUpdateProgressData);


Data - the information about synchronization progress.


The OnSkip method implements the event of skipping the update element on updating.

Fore Example

To execute the example, add a link to the Metabase system assembly. The C:\Update.pefx update file is required.

Example of code

After executing the example, the console window displays the information about the update process, the log of update conflicts and the log of changing permissions.

Fore.NET Example

To execute the example, add a link to the Metabase system assembly. The C:\Update.pefx update file is required.

Due to the fact that Fore.NET does not include the UpdateProgress class, this example is executed by using the UpdateProgress custom class, which is inherited from the IMetabaseUpdateProgress interface.

Example of code

After executing the example, the console window displays the information about the update process, the log of update conflicts and the log of changing permissions.

See also:
