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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseUpdateProgress > IMetabaseUpdateProgress.OnAskReflectRights


Fore Syntax

OnAskReflectRights(Var Cancel: Boolean);

Fore.NET Syntax

OnAskReflectRights(Var Cancel: boolean);


Cancel. Parameter determining whether access permissions updating will be performed at the DBMS level.

By default the False value is passed, and it is followed by updating the access permissions to objects on the DBMS level and on the platform level.

If the True value is passed as the value of the parameter, the permissions will be updated only on the platform level.


The OnAskReflectRights method implements an event that occurs before updating the permissions to the objects.


This event is generated when the update is applied.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for IMetabaseUpdateProgress.OnProgress.

See also:
