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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState > IMetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.State



State: MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState;


The State property determines a state of readiness of an object to update.


Executing the example requires the update file Update.pef in the root of disc C.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

MU: IMetabaseUpdate;

Root: IMetabaseUpdateFolderNode;

Node: IMetabaseUpdateNode;

i: Integer;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

MU := MB.CreateUpdate;



Root := MU.RootFolder;

For i := 0 To Root.Count - 1 Do

Node := Root.Item(i);

If Node.NodeType = MetabaseUpdateNodeType.Object Then

ObjectNode := Node As IMetabaseUpdateObjectNode;

State := ObjectNode.ApplyState;

Select Case State.State

Case MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.CreateNew:

Debug.WriteLine("Object of update: " + ObjectNode.ObjectId + "; State: Create new");

Case MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.EditExisting:

Debug.WriteLine("Object of update: " + ObjectNode.ObjectId + "; State: Update existent.");

Case MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.Conflict Or MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.ConflictKey:

Debug.WriteLine("Object of update: " + ObjectNode.ObjectId + "; State: Conflict. An object exists with the similar key.");

Case MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.Conflict Or MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.ConflictId:

Debug.WriteLine("Object of update: " + ObjectNode.ObjectId + "; State: Conflict. An object exists with the similar identifier.");

Case MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.Conflict Or MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.ConflictClassId:

Debug.WriteLine("Object of update: " + ObjectNode.ObjectId + "; State: Conflict. Existent object has different class.");

Case MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.Conflict Or MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.ConflictObjectNotFound:

Debug.WriteLine("Object of update: " + ObjectNode.ObjectId + "; State: Conflict. Repository object for which update type Only update is assigned is not found.");

Case MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.Conflict Or MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState.ConflictMissingMetadata:

Debug.WriteLine("Object of update: " + ObjectNode.ObjectId + "; State: Conflict. In update metadata are absent to create an object.");

End Select;

End If;

End For;

End Sub Main;

After executing this example the update file Update.pef is downloaded and checked. For objects that contain update and relevant repository object in a root the state of readiness to update is displayed in the development environment console.

See also:
