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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseObjectInstance


Assembly: Metabase;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;


The IMetabaseObjectInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with an open instance of the repository object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Perform the IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.Open or IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.OpenWithParam method to open a repository object. The obtained object described by the IMetabaseObjectInstance enables the user to get basic information about an object instance (a source object that was opened; parameters that were used on opening).

Full features of working with a specific type of opened object are available by using specific interfaces, for example, IDatasetInstance - for working with data sets, IDimInstance - for working dictionaries, ICubeInstance - for working with cubes, and so on. Cast the opened object instance to the required interface to work with its data and perform other available specific actions.


  Property name Brief description
Data The Data property determines data of the repository object, the opened copy of which is worked.
Key The Key property returns a key of the repository object, with the opened instance of which, the work is implemented.
Object The Object property returns an object of the repository, with the opened instance of which, the work is implemented.
ParamValues The ParamValues property returns a collection of values of the object parameters which were specified during the opening.
ThisObject The ThisObject property returns the structure of the object, if the opened object is the shortcut for the object from another repository.


  Method name Brief description
Flush The Flush method clears cache of the repository objects instance.
GetExtensionDispatch The GetExtensionDispatch method performs conversion to common object form, from which it is possible to move to the required object class.
InitControlledParams The InitControlledParams method calculates the expressions of the nested object parameters management.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces