Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > ILogonHoursPeriods > ILogonHoursPeriods.SetPeriodAccess
SetPeriodAccess(Begin_: DateTime; End_: DateTime; Value: ILogonHours);
SetPeriodAccess(System.DateTime, System.DateTime, Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase.ILogonHours);
Begin_. Start date of the period where access time must be limited.
End_. End date of the period where access time must be limited.
Value. Scheduled access settings during the day.
The SetPeriodAccess method sets parameters of the user access for the specified period.
Period is formed setting initial and final date in the Begin_ and End_ parameters, respectively. Parameters of access during the day within the whole period are passed in the Value parameter.
The method use is given in the example for ILogonHoursPeriods.CreateHours.
See also: