Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IDomainCredentials > IDomainCredentials.Password
Password: String;
The Password property determines the user password that is used for connection.
Executing the example requires EditBox1 and EditBox2 of EditBox type on the form. The schema must contain a table with the Table identifier. The domain user, from profile of which the connection is established, should be added to the list of repository users and has such privileges as Login and Right for Reading and Opening All Objects.
Sub UserProc;
MbDef: IMetabaseDefinition;
Package: ISecurityPackage;
Mb: IMetabase;
MbManager: IMetabaseManager;
Table : ITable;
Field : ITableField;
Mb := Null;
MbManager := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active;
MbDef := MbManager.Definitions.FindById("P5_MS");
Debug.AssertMsg(MbDef <> Null, "Description of the metabase was not found");
Package := MbManager.Packs.FindById(MbDef.SecurityPackage).Package;
dc := Package.CreateCredentials(AuthenticationMode.Domain) As IDomainCredentials;
dc.LogonAsCurrentUser := False;
dc.Domain := "PROGNOZ";
dc.UserName := EditBox1.Text;
dc.Password := EditBox2.Text;
Mb := MbDef.Open(dc,ApplicationMode.Win,LocaleCodeID.Russian);
WinApplication.InformationBox(Connection is established);
Table := Mb.ItemById ("Table").Bind As ITable;
For Each Field In Table.Fields Do
End For;
End Sub UserProc;
If the right password and user name are entered, the connection to the P5_MS scheme is established, and the message about it is shown. Names of table fields are displayed in a console window.
See also: