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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > ICredentials > ICredentials.UserDescription



UserDescription: String;


The UserDescription property determines full user name to write it into the access protocol.


The user full name is used in paper marking when printing out or exporting, if mandatory access is used.


Executing the example requires the use of mandatory access in the repository. The schema must contain a regular report with the Test identifier, the report's access level, at which the connection to the repository is established, must match with the one of the UserTest user. The UserTest user must have the 1a2b3c4d5e6f certificate added by the administrator. For this access level the documents marking during the exporting and printing is enabled. The form must contain the button, the DocumentPrinter component and the UiReport. The button must have the  OnClick event description, the form - OnCreate.

Class TestForm: Form
    Button1: Button;
    UiReport1: UiReport;
    DocumentPrinter1: DocumentPrinter;
    MB: IMetabase;
    Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
        logses: ILogonSession;
        dp: IDocumentPrinter;
        logses := Mb.LogonSession;
        Debug.WriteLine("UserOS: " + logses.UserOS + " UserDescription: " + logses.UserDescription);
        UiReport1.Instance := Mb.ItemById("Test").OpenWithParam(Null);
        dp := New DocumentPrinter.Create;
        dp.Source := uireport1 As IDocumentSource;
    End Sub Button1OnClick;

    Sub TestFormOnCreate(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
        MbManager: IMetabaseManager;
        MbDef: IMetabaseDefinition;
        Credentials: IPasswordCredentials;
        Package: ISecurityPackage;
        Mb := Null;
        MbManager := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active;
        MbDef := MbManager.Definitions.FindById("student0");
        Debug.AssertMsg(MbDef <> Null"The metabase description not found");
        Package := MbManager.Packs.FindById(MbDef.SecurityPackage).Package;
        Credentials := Package.CreateCredentials(AuthenticationMode.Password) As IPasswordCredentials;
        Credentials.UserOS := "MyUserOS";
        Credentials.UseUserOSForDocumentLabels := True;
        Credentials.UserDescription := "MyDescription";
        Credentials.UserName := "UserTest";
        Credentials.Password := "UserTest";
        Credentials.UserCertificate := "1a2b3c4d5e6f";
        mb := MbDef.Open(Credentials);
    End Sub TestFormOnCreate;

End Class TestForm;

On clicking the button the console window displays full OS user name and full user name of the current session, after that the regular report is previewed. The specified OS user name (UserOS) and full user name (UserDescription) are indicated in the report marking. If the UseUserOSForDocumentLabels property is assigned the False value to, then the document marking indicates the info of the user, under whose account the connection (UserTest) was established.

See also:
