Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > ICredentials > ICredentials.ForceError
ForceError: Boolean;
The ForceError property determines login that is known to be unsuccessful.
By default this property is set to False. If the value is True, the credentials are treated as incorrect. When IMetabaseDefinition.Open is called using the credentials known to be incorrect, the login failure record is displayed in the access protocol. The property is the means of logon failure logging.
The ICredentials.ErrorMessage property needs to be used for adding the comment to the access protocol.
In the current example the connection to the "student" scheme under the UserTest user account is established.
Sub UserProc;
metabase: IMetabase;
package: ISecurityPackage;
credentials: IPasswordCredentials;
definition: IMetabaseDefinition;
definition := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active.Definitions.FindById("student");
package := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active.Packs.FindById(definition.SecurityPackage).Package;
credentials := Package.CreateCredentials(AuthenticationMode.Password) As IPasswordCredentials;
credentials.UserDescription := "MyDescription";
credentials.UserOS := "MyUserOS";
credentials.UserName := "UserTest";
credentials.Password := "UserTest";
credentials.ForceError := True;
credentials.ErrorMessage := "Login known to be unsuccessful";
metabase := definition.Open(credentials);
On E: Exception Do
End Try;
End Sub UserProc;
On executing the example the (Incorrect user name/password) exception is handled. Login failure record is added to the access protocol.
See also: