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Report > Examples > Exporting Flash to Image

Exporting Flash to Image

These examples are written in C#.

NOTE. Before setting additional parameters for the object belonging to FlashExporterClass, determine Flash object via the FlashExporterClass.Movie property.

Export of the Specified Flash Frame to Image

Executing the example requires that the file system includes the file C:/Flash.swf containing a Flash object.

static void Main(string[] args)


// Create a class to export Flash

IFlashExporter fe = new FlashExporterClass();

//Create an export condition: specified frame

IFrameFlashExporterCondition CommandCondition = new FrameFlashExporterCondition();

// Set parameters to export frame: frame number and timeout

CommandCondition.FrameNum = 10;

CommandCondition.Milliseconds = -1;

// Set path to exported Flash

fe.Movie = @"C:/Flash.swf";

// Set size of the image to which the Flash object is to be exported

fe.Width = 800;

fe.Height = 600;

// Export Flash to stream

Array arr = fe.Export(CommandCondition) as Array;

byte[] b = arr as byte[];

MemoryStream Ms = new MemoryStream(b);

System.Drawing.Bitmap Img = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(Ms);

// Save stream to file



After executing the example the tenth frame of the Flash object from the file is exported into the file C:\Flash.bmp. Timeout value is set to -1, so it is ignored in frame anticipation.

Exporting Flash to Image after Command Execution

Executing the example requires that the file system includes the file C:/Flash.swf containing a Flash object with the onLoaded command.

static void Main(string[] args)


// Create a class to export Flash

IFlashExporter fe = new FlashExporterClass();

// Create an export condition: command of the Flash object

IFSCommandFlashExporterCondition CommandCondition = new FSCommandFlashExporterCondition();

// Set command parameters

CommandCondition.Milliseconds = 5000;

CommandCondition.Command = "onLoaded";

// Set path to exported Flash

fe.Movie = @"C:/Flash.swf";

// Set size of the image, to which the Flash object is to be exported

fe.Width = 800;

fe.Height = 600;

// Export Flash to stream

Array arr = fe.Export(CommandCondition) as Array;

byte[] b = arr as byte[];

MemoryStream Ms = new MemoryStream(b);

System.Drawing.Bitmap Img = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(Ms);

// Save stream to file



After executing the example the onLoaded command is executed for the Flash object, then the object is exported to the file C:\Flash.bmp.

See also:
