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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IReportCellContentChangeEventArgs



The IReportCellContentChangeEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the ReportBox.OnChangeCellContent event (changing table cell contents).


  Property name Brief description
Cancel The Cancel property determines whether the changes, made to table cell contents, should be cancelled.
Type The Type property returns the change type.
Value The Value property determines the table cell value.

Properties inherited from IReportCellEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Column The Column property returns index of the row that contains the cell, for which the event is generated.
Row The Row property returns index of the column containing the cell, for which the event is generated.

Properties inherited from IReportEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Report The Report property returns the ReportBox component that has generated the event.
Sheet The Sheet property returns the sheet of the regular report, on which the event has occurred.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces