Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IReportBox > IReportBox.FindReplace
Replace: Boolean;
FindString: String;
[ReplaceString: String=""];
[InFormula: Boolean=False];
[CaseSensitive: Boolean=False];
[WholeWordsOnly: Boolean=False]);
Replace determines active tab on opening the dialog box. If the property is set to True, the Replace tab is active on opening dialog box.
FindString - string to be searched.
ReplaceString - string to be replaced.
InFormula - the parameter that determines search scope. If the parameter is set to True, the search is formula-based.
CaseSensitive - the parameter that determines the state of the Match Case option.
WholeWordsOnly - the parameter that determines the state of the Whole Cell option.
The FindReplace method activates the find and replace window in the regular report.
The method is outdated, use IReportBox.FindReplaceEx.
See also: