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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IReportBox > IReportBox.ControlPanelAllowed


Fore Syntax

ControlPanelAllowed: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

ControlPanelAllowed: boolean;


The ControlPanelAllowed property determines whether the control panel is displayed.


The property is relevant if any controls are set and displayed in the displayed regular report.

Available values:

Fore Example

Executing the example requires a form with the CheckBox component named CheckBox1 on it, the ReportBox component named ReportBox1 and the UiReport component, which is a data source for ReportBox1. Controls are created in the regular report, which is connected to UiReport.

The example is a handler of the OnChange event for the CheckBox1 component.

Sub CheckBox1OnChange(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
    ReportBox1.ControlPanelAllowed := CheckBox1.Checked;
End Sub CheckBox1OnChange;

On selecting or deselecting checkbox, the control panel will be displayed or hidden.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example. Use Fore.NET analogs instead of Fore components.

Private Sub checkBox1_CheckedChanged(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
    reportBoxNet1.ControlPanelAllowed := checkBox1.Checked;
End Sub;

See also:
