Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IReportBeforeCellChangeEventArgs > IReportBeforeCellChangeEventArgs.Value
Value: Variant;
The Value property determines the changed value, which will be located in the cell after the event has been handled.
The following example assumes that there is the ReportBox1 object with the ReportBox type.
Sub ReportBox1OnBeforeCellChange(Sender: Object; Args: IReportBeforeCellChangeEventArgs);
Old_val, New_val: Variant;
Old_val := Args.Sheet.Table.CellValue(Args.Row, Args.Column);
New_val := Args.Value;
End Sub ReportBox1OnBeforeCellChange;
After the event the Old_val variable will contain the previous value of the cell while the New_val variable will contain the value that is to be saved to the cell after the event.
See also: