Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxTableIslandLayoutCell > IPrxTableIslandLayoutCell.Format
Format: IPrxTableIslandFormat;
The Format property determines formatting parameters for a layout row cell.
The following example assumes that there is the Report object with the IPrxReport type.
Sub User;
Report : IPrxReport;
TabIs : IPrxTableIslands;
TI : IPrxTableIsland;
Layout : IPrxTableIslandLayout;
Row : IPrxTableIslandLayoutRow;
Cell : IPrxTableIslandLayoutCell;
LayFormat : IPrxTableIslandFormat;
Format : IPrxFormatConditions;
TabFormat : ITabFormatCondition;
ValFormat : ITabFormatValues;
TabIs := Report.TableIslands;
TI := TabIs.Item(0);
TI := TI.Edit;
Layout := TI.Layout;
Row := Layout.Rows(0);
Cell := Row.Cells(0);
LayFormat := Cell.Format;
Format := LayFormat.Conditions;
TabFormat := Format.Add;
TabFormat.Type := TabConditionType.Values;
ValFormat := TabFormat.Details As ITabFormatValues;
//two color gradient for cell formatting
ValFormat.Style := TabFormatValuesStyle.TwoColorScale;
//setting minimum value
ValFormat.MinValueType := TabFormatValueType.Lowest;
ValFormat.MinValueColor := GxColor.FromName("Red");
//setting maximum value
ValFormat.MaxValueType := TabFormatValueType.Highest;
ValFormat.MaxValueColor := GxColor.FromName("Blue");
End Sub User;
After executing the example the following conditional formatting is set for the selected layout cell of the relational area: formatting style - two color gradient.
See also: