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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxTableIslandGrouping



The IPrxTableIslandGrouping interface determines parameters of a relational data area group. The group determines the method of grouping relational source data.


  Property name Brief description
Caption The Caption property determines a group title.
Field The Field property determines binding to a field of the relational data source.
Format The Format property determines formatting parameters for a relational data area group.
Hierarchical The Hierarchical property determines the state of the Pop-up Hierarchy option for group.
Indent The Indent property determines left indent of the group title.
IsHierarchical The IsHierarchical property returns True, if the Pop-up Hierarchy option is enabled.
Island The Island property returns the relational data area, to which the group belongs.
IsSeparated Outdated. Use IPrxTableIslandGrouping.Visible.
Separated Outdated. Use IPrxTableIslandGrouping.Visible.
Style The Style property determines formatting parameters for a group.
Totals The Totals property determines totals parameters for a group.
Visible The Visible property determines whether it is possible to place headers of grouped data in a separate column.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces