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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxTable



The IPrxTable interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a table of a regular report sheet.


This interface is developed as an alternative to separate properties or methods, which were implemented earlier in the IPrxSheet interface and were used to work with separate table cells. A table is a part of a regular report sheet, table parameters store information about cell binding to data slices, and table structure parameters described by the ITabSheet interface. To work with a table, cast the sheet described by the IPrxSheet interface to the IPrxTable interface:

    Report: IPrxReport;
    Sheet: IPrxSheet;
    tSheet: ITabSheet;
    Sheet := Report.ActiveSheet;
    //Table structure parameters
    tSheet := (Sheet As IPrxTable).TabSheet;
    //Parameters of cell binding to data slices
    DataBinding := (Sheet As IPrxTable).DataBinding;


  Property name Brief description
DataBinding The DataBinding property enables the user to determine binding of the data of report sheet cells.
TabSheet The TabSheet property enables the user to get table of a report sheet.


  Method name Brief description
CreatePrinter The CreatePrinter method creates an object that enables the user to work with a report sheet prepared for print.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces