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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxSliceDimension



The IPrxSliceDimension interface contains properties and methods of a dimension of a slice of a regular report data source.


  Property name Brief description
AggregationEnabled The AggregationEnabled property shows whether aggregation is used for the dimension element.
AggregatorOperation The AggregatorOperation property determines the method of data aggregation used for the selected elements.
ApplySelectionSchemaOnlyOnce Outdated. Use IDimSelection.ApplySelectionSchemaOnlyOnce.
Dimension The Dimension property returns data of a dimension of a slice of a data source of the regular report.
Dimensions The Dimensions property returns parent object.
Disposition The Disposition property returns position of the dimension in the slice.
ElementGroup Outdated. Use IDimSelection.ElementGroup.
HeaderPosition The HeaderPosition property returns position of the dimension in the slice heading.
Id The Id property returns identifier of the slice dimension.
InUpdate The InUpdate property returns indicator of the mode of dimension update.
IsAggregationEnabled The IsAggregationEnabled property returns indicator of aggregation by this dimension.
IsDSAggregationSupported The IsDSAggregationSupported property shows whether aggregation settings for this dimension are available in the data source.
Key The Key property returns key of the slice dimension.
Name The Name property returns the name of the slice dimension.
Selection The Selection property returns dimension selection.
SelectionSchema Outdated. Use IDimSelection.SelectionSchema.
Slice The Slice property returns the object that contains the slice which includes this dimension.
SyncIndex The SyncIndex property determines synchronization index of the slice dimension.
UseDSAggregationValue The UseDSAggregationValue property determines whether aggregation settings of the data source are used for this dimension in the regular report.


  Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method starts dimension update.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method updates dependent dimensions when controlling dimension selection is changed.
MoveFirst The MoveFirst method moves the dimension to the first position of the specified slice header.
MoveLast The MoveLast method moves the dimension to the last position of the specified slice header.
MoveToPosition The MoveToPosition method moves the dimension to a selected position of the specified slice header.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces