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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxSlice


Assembly: Report;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;


The IPrxSlice interface contains properties and methods of a slice of a data source of a regular report.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with the slice collection of regular report data source, use properties and methods of the IPrxSlices interface.


  Property name Brief description
AggregationEnabled The AggregationEnabled property enables the user to set up data aggregation in the slice.
DataSource The DataSource property determines a data source for a slice.
DataSourceTotalsDefined The DataSourceTotalsDefined property returns True if aggregation is set in the data source of the slice.
Dimensions The Dimension property returns an object containing all slice dimensions.
FixedHeader The FixedHeader property returns all fixed dimensions of the slice.
IsAggregationEnabled The IsAggregationEnabled property returns whether aggregation is available in the slice.
Key The Key property returns key of a data source slice.
LeftHeader The LeftHeader property returns all slice dimensions located in rows.
Matrix The Matrix property returns an object that contains a multidimensional matrix obtained by fixing one or several cube dimensions.
Name The Name property determines the name of a slice of a data source of the regular report.
Report The Report property returns a parent object.
Selection The Selection property returns selection of the slice.
Slices The Slices property returns a parent object.
TopHeader The TopHeader property returns all slice dimensions located in columns.


  Method name Brief description
Copy The Copy method creates a copy of a data slice.
CreateChartDataAdapter The CreateChartDataAdapter method creates a data source for regular report graph.
CreateMapDataAdapter The CreateMapDataAdapter method creates data source based on a data slice, for a map.
Execute The Execute method slices data.
GetDimension The GetDimension method returns dimension of the specified data source slice by its key.
GetRecentChanges The GetRecentChanges method returns a matrix of changed values of regular report slice.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces