Count: Integer;
The Count property returns the number of scene series.
Executing the example requires a regular report with the REGULAR_REPORT identifier, the report sheet contains a 3D scene with several data series and data in the range B1:D4. Add links to the Metabase, Report, Tab, Chart system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
Report: IPrxReport;
S: IPrxScene3D;
Sers: IPrxScene3DSeries;
Ser: IPrxScene3DPointSerie;
MB: IMetabase;
Tab: ITabSheet;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Report := MB.ItemById("REGULAR_REPORT").Edit As IPrxReport;
Tab := (Report.Sheets.Item(0) As IPRxTable).TabSheet;
S := Tab.Objects.Item(0).Extension As IPrxScene3D;
Sers := S.Series;
Ser := Sers.Item(0) As IPrxScene3DPointSerie;
Ser.X := "B1:B4";
Ser.Y := "C1:C4";
Ser.Z := "D1:D4";
Tab.CellValue(1, 6) := Sers.Count;
Debug.WriteLine("Scene series type by found key has the type: " + Sers.FindByKey(Sers.Item(0).Key).Type.ToString);
(Report As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the first series of the 3D scene is changed, and the number of series is displayed in the G1 cell. The console window displays type of the found scene series.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
Report: IPrxReport;
S: IPrxScene3D;
Sers: IPrxScene3DSeries;
Ser: IPrxScene3DPointSerie;
MB: IMetabase;
Tab: ITabSheet;
MB := Params.Metabase;
Report := MB.ItemById["REGULAR_REPORT"].Edit() As IPrxReport;
Tab := (Report.Sheets.Item[0] As IPRxTable).TabSheet;
S := Tab.Objects.Item[0].Extension As IPrxScene3D;
Sers := S.Series;
Ser := Sers.Item[0] As IPrxScene3DPointSerie;
Ser.X := "B1:B4";
Ser.Y := "C1:C4";
Ser.Z := "D1:D4";
Tab.CellValue[1, 6] := Sers.Count;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Type of scene series by found key has the type: " + Sers.FindByKey(Sers.Item[0].Key).Type.ToString());
(Report As IMetabaseObject).Save();
End Sub;
See also: