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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxScene3DSerie



The IPrxScene3DSerie interface determines parameters of the 3D scene series and is a basic interface for the following interfaces:


  Property name Brief description
Key The Key property returns a key of a scene series.
Type The Type property returns the type of a scene series.
X The X property determines the range of series values along the OX axis.
XRange The XRange property determines parameters of the cell range that contain series values along the OX axis.
Y The Y property determines the range of series values along the OY axis.
YRange The YRange property determines parameters of the cell range that contain series values along the OY axis.
Z The Z property determines the range of series values along the OZ axis.
ZRange The ZRange property determines parameters of the cell range that contain series values along the OZ axis.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces