Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxReportUserEvents > IPrxReportUserEvents.EventOnBeforeRecalcSheet
Sub EventOnBeforeRecalcSheet(Args: IUiPrxSheetCancelEventArgs)
// set of operators
End Sub EventOnBeforeRecalcSheet;
Args - the parameter, which enables the user to work with event parameters.
The EventOnBeforeRecalcSheet method implements the event that occurs before calculating a sheet of the regular report.
Sub EventOnBeforeRecalcSheet(Args: IUiPrxSheetCancelEventArgs);
Args.Cancel := Not WinApplication.ConfirmationBox("Calculate " + Args.Sheet.Name + "?");
End Sub EventOnBeforeRecalcSheet;
When the event occurs, a dialog box to confirm calculation of the report sheet, containing the name of the sheet, is displayed. Answer Yes to calculate the sheet, otherwise it is not calculated.
See also: