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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxReportExporter > IPrxReportExporter.BulkSettings


Fore Syntax

BulkSettings: IPrxBulkSettings;

Fore.NET Syntax

BulkSettings: IPrxBulkSettings;


The BulkSettings property returns settings of regular report batch export.


By default, the batch export is used to export data to different files. To export the data to the same file, use the StartBatchCommand and FinishBatchCommand methods.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires that the repository contains a regular report with the Report_1 identifier. A common control linked to the dimension is created for the two first report sheets. The dimension is located in the fixed area of the slice.

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    RegRep: IPrxReport;
    Exporter: IPrxReportExporter;
    BulkSetting: IPrxBulkSettings;
    SelSet: IPrxBulkSelectionSet;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    RegRep := MB.ItemById("Report_1").Bind As IPrxReport;
    Exporter := New PrxReportExporter.Create;
        Debug.WriteLine(Exporter.BulkSettings = Null);
    Exporter.Report := RegRep;
    //Selection of fixed dimensions
    SelSet := RegRep.GetBulkSelectionSet("1-2");
    //Batch export settings
    BulkSetting := Exporter.BulkSettings;
    BulkSetting.Enabled := True;
    BulkSetting.SelectionSet := SelSet;
    Exporter.StartBatchCommand("c:\" + RegRep.Name + ".XLS""XLS");
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example two sheets of the regular report are batch exported. Report versions are based on all the elements of the fixed dimension. The sheets are exported to the same file.

Fore.NET Example

Executing the example requires that the repository contains a regular report with the Report_1 identifier. A common control linked to the dimension is created for the two first report sheets. The dimension is located in the fixed area of the slice. The specified procedure is an entry point of a .NET assembly.

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    MB: IMetabase;
    RegRep: IPrxReport;
    Exporter: IPrxReportExporter;
    BulkSetting: IPrxBulkSettings;
    SelSet: IPrxBulkSelectionSet;
    MB := Params.Metabase;
    RegRep := MB.ItemById["Report_1"].Bind() As IPrxReport;
    Exporter := New PrxReportExporterClass();
    Exporter.Report := RegRep;
    //Selection of fixed dimensions
    SelSet := RegRep.GetBulkSelectionSet("1-2");
    //Batch export settings
    BulkSetting := Exporter.BulkSettings;
    BulkSetting.Enabled := True;
    BulkSetting.SelectionSet := SelSet;
    Exporter.StartBatchCommand("c:\" + RegRep.Name + ".XLS""XLS");
End Sub;

After executing the example two sheets of the regular report are batch exported. Report versions are based on all the elements of the fixed dimension. The sheets are exported to the same file.

See also:
