Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxPartialPersist > IPrxPartialPersist.LoadFromStream
LoadFromStream(Options: Integer; Stream: IIOStream);
LoadFromStream(Options: Integer; Stream: System.IO.Stream);
Options. The parameter is reserved. 0 is to be passed.
Stream. The stream, from which the report is loaded.
The LoadFromStream method restores report from a stream.
This method is used together with IPrxPartialPersist.SaveToStream.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a regular report, which has an assigned event handler containing the code given below. The following system assemblies should be connected for the event handler: Io, Report, Ui.
Class EventsClass: ReportEvents
Public Sub OnBeforeExecuteReport(Report: IPrxReport; Var Cancel: Boolean);
stSaved: IIOStream;
If Not WinApplication.ConfirmationBox("Load saved?") Then
End If;
stSaved := New FileStream.Create("c:\MyReport.rep", FileOpenMode.Read, FileShare.Exclusive);
(Report As IPrxPartialPersist).LoadFromStream(0, stSaved);
Dispose stSaved;
End Try;
Cancel := True;
End Sub OnBeforeExecuteReport;
Public Sub OnAfterExecuteReport(Report: IPrxReport);
stFile: IIOStream;
If Not WinApplication.ConfirmationBox("Save calculated?") Then
End If;
stFile := New FileStream.Create("c:\MyReport.rep", FileOpenMode.Create, FileShare.Exclusive);
(Report As IPrxPartialPersist).SaveToStream(0, stFile);
Dispose stFile;
End Try;
End Sub OnAfterExecuteReport;
End Class EventsClass;
After report calculation the following message is displayed: Save calculated?. If the answer is Yes, the report is saved to the specified file and report sheets are cleared. The following message is displayed before report calculation: Load saved?. Answer Yes to load report from the specified file. The report is not calculated.
See also: