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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxDataIslandTotals



The IPrxDataIslandTotals interface enables the user to set up parameters of totals for the data area.


The interface is used to work with a data area, that is an outdated type of table. To work with analytical data area, use the IEaxDatArea interface.


  Property name Brief description
HasOthers The HasOthers property returns the state of the Display Other Aggregate option.
HasTotals The HasTotals property returns True if the Totals option is enabled.
Method The Method property determines the method that is used to calculate totals.
MethodFromDataSource The MethodFromDataSource property determines whether the method that is set for data aggregation in the source should be used to calculate totals.
MethodValue The MethodValue property returns the method that is used to calculate totals.
Others The Others property determines the Display The Other Aggregate option.
Style The Style property determines totals formatting.
Totals The Totals property determines the Totals option.
UseMethodFromDataSource The UseMethodFromDataSource property returns True if the method that is set for data aggregation in the source is used to calculate totals.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces