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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxDataIslandProperties



The IPrxDataIslandProperties interface contains properties of parameters of the data area style.


The interface is used to work with a data areathat is an outdated type of table. To work with analytical data area use the IEaxDatArea interface.


  Property name Brief description
Corner The Corner property returns the object that contains style of the corner cell of the data area table.
DataIsland The DataIsland property returns the owner data area.
Dimension The Dimension property returns parameters of the dimension, based on which the data area is built.
FormatConditions The FormatConditions property determines parameters of conditional data formatting.
HierarchyIndent The HierarchyIndent property determines indent in a pop-up hierarchy of the data area.
LeftHeader The LeftHeader property returns an object containing parameters of headings of data area rows.
ModifiedStyle The ModifiedStyle property determines formatting of the changed data of the data area.
Style The Style property determines style formatting of data of the data area.
TableStyle The TableStyle property determines the formatting style of the data area table.
TopHeader The TopHeader property returns an object containing parameters of headings of data area columns.
UseStyleFormatting The UseStyleFormatting property determines the formatting to be used for a data area.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces