Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxDataIslandHeader > IPrxDataIslandHeader.KeepParentCells
KeepParentCells: Boolean;
The KeepParentCells property determines the Display Owners of Non-Excluded Columns option. The property enables the user to display parent elements that have not been displayed due to filter or sorting for child elements available in the data area.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
Report: IPrxReport;
DIs: IPrxDataIslands;
DI: IPrxDataIsland;
Prop: IPrxDataIslandProperties;
THead: IPrxDataIslandHeader;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemById("Report").Edit;
Report := MObj As IPrxReport;
DIs := Report.DataIslands;
DI := DIs.Item(0).Edit;
Prop := DI.Properties;
THead := Prop.TopHeader;
THead.KeepParentCells := False;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the Leave Owners of Non-Excluded Columns option is disabled for columns of the first data area. The identifier of the regular report - Report.
See also: