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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayoutNodes



The IPrxDataIslandDimensionLayoutNodes interface determines parameters and structure of an arbitrary title.


The interface is used to work with a data area, that is an outdated type of table. To work with analytical data area use the IEaxDatArea interface.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of elements in one level of an arbitrary title.
Item The Item property returns an element of an arbitrary title based on the specified index. The element is searched for on a single title level.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds an element of an arbitrary title.
Clear The Clear method clears an arbitrary title.
FindByKey The FindByKey method returns a title element based on the specified key. The element is searched for in a single level of an arbitrary title.
Remove The Remove method removes an element of an arbitrary title based on the specified index. The element to be removed is searched for on a single title level.
RemoveByKey The RemoveByKey method removes an element of an arbitrary title based on the specified key. The element to be removed is searched for on a single title level.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces