Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxControl > IPrxControl.RecalcOnChange
RecalcOnChange: Boolean;
RecalcOnChange: boolean;
The RecalcOnChange property determines whether the OnChangeControlValue event is to be generated each time when the user changes value in the controls that require manual value entry, so that the control does not get unfocused.
The property is relevant for controls of the following types:
MaskEdit - Input box for string values with mask.
DecimalEdit - Decimal value editor.
FloatEdit - Real value editor.
IntegerEdit - Integer value editor.
EditBox - String value input box.
IdentEdit - Identifier editor.
When both AutoRecalc and RecalcOnChange properties are set to True, report is recalculated each time a value in a control is changed. The control may remain focused.
See also: