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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > ICalculateReportScheduledTask



The ICalculateReportScheduledTask interface is used to determine parameters of a regular report task calculation in a task container.


  Property name Brief description
FormatTag The FormatTag property sets format of the file to which the result of report calculation is to be saved.
Printer The Printer property determines the printer to be used to print a regular report after it is calculated.
SourceReport The SourceReport property determines a calculated report.

Properties inherited from IScheduledTask

  Method name Brief description
Properties The Properties property returns task parameters.
State The State property returns task state at the current moment.


  Method name Brief description
ReadResult The ReadResult method gets the result of task calculation in the form of a report and enables the user to load the result to the specified report.
GetExportSettings The GetExportSettings method enables the user to get export parameter settings from the task of regular report calculation in the task container.
PutExportSettings The PutExportSettings method enables the user to save export parameter settings to the task of regular report calculation in the task container.

Methods inherited from IScheduledTask

  Property name Brief description
CreateInvokeEvent The CreateInvokeEvent method creates a new event of executing a task of the scheduled tasks container.
GetResults The GetResults method returns task history.
ResetResults The ResetResults method resets the results of task execution and switches the task status to Ready.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces