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Report > Report Assembly Enumerations > PrxMapAdapter



The PrxMapAdapter enumeration contains types of map adapters.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Adapter type is undefined.
1 Static. Static.
2 Dynamic. Dynamic.
3 ShapeText. Adapter for layer areas.
4 TerritoryInfo. Territory info adapter.


Static adapter takes data by one point. The example of use of the Static enumeration is map indicators IMapAreaVisual. Coordinate on the map corresponding to the indicator is taken as data.

Dynamic adapter takes data by several points. Example of use of the Dynamic enumeration is pie (IMapPieVisual) and column (IMapBarVisual) indicators. As data for a particular region, values of the indicator and a maximum number of displayed sectors of the indicator (PiesCount) for pie indicators, a maximum number of columns of the indicator (BarsCount) for column indicators respectively.

See also:

Report Assembly Enumerations