Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IValidation > IValidation.Laner
Laner: ILaner;
The Laner property determines workspace of the time series database, for which validation rule will be calculated.
Executing the example requires a form, a button named Button1 on this form, the TabSheetBox component and the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAnalyzer1 that is a data source for TabSheetBox. A workbook of the time series database with the OBJ_RUBRICATOR identifier should be loaded to UiErAnalyzer1. This database must contain a validation rule with the VALIDATION identifier.
Click the button to start executing of this example.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
ErAn: IEaxAnalyzer;
Laner: ILaner;
mb: IMetabase;
RubrDescr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
ValidDescr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
Validation: IValidation;
Exceptions: IValidationExceptions;
ErAn := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer;
Laner := ErAn.Laner;
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
RubrDescr := mb.ItemById("OBJ_RUBRICATOR");
ValidDescr := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("VALIDATION", RubrDescr.Key);
Validation := ValidDescr.Bind As IValidation;
Validation.CalculationType := MsCalculationType.Pointwise;
Validation.Laner := Laner;
Exceptions := Validation.Execute;
WinApplication.InformationBox(The series number + ValidDescr.Name + is not executed: + exceptions.Count.ToString);
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example the validation rule is calculated for the time series database workbook. The number of series where the rule is not executed, is specified in the informational message.
See also: