Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > ITimeSeries > ITimeSeries.CheckCompatible
CheckCompatible(OtherSerie: ITimeSeries; [ThrowException: Boolean = True]): Boolean;
OtherSerie. The series, compatibility to which is checked.
ThrowException. Indicates whether the exception is thrown if the series are not compatible. Optional parameter, default value is True, that is, exception is thrown.
The CheckCompatible method checks the current and specified series for compatibility.
Calling the method checks the correspondence of:
Series frequencies.
Start dates of the series.
Series length.
Days when the week starts (for weekly and daily frequencies).
Days off (for daily frequency).
By results of checking CheckCompatible returns whether series are compatible:
True. Series are compatible.
False. Series are not compatible.
The method use is given in the example for TimeSeries.CreateEx.
See also: