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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsValueAtRiskTransform


Assembly: Ms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;


The IMsValueAtRiskTransform interface is used to work with Value-At-Risk model calculation parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Value-At-Risk (VaR) is the value at risk. VaR is an estimate of the value that will not be exceeded by the expected loss on the portfolio over the given time horizon (expressed in monetary units). It is also called 16:15 indicator.

VaR is described by the following parameters:

The VaR model enables the user to estimate value at risk using various methods. Use MethodType to determine method.

VaR is calculated only for daily frequency.


  Property name Brief description
Backtesting The Backtesting property returns backtesting results.
ConfidenceLevel The ConfidenceLevel property determines the significance of confidence limits.
DistinguishLongShortPositions The DistinguishLongShortPositions property determines whether the model should distinguish between short and long positions.
ForecastingHorizon The ForecastingHorizon property determines time forecasting horizon.
InstrumentDistribution The InstrumentDistribution property determines the distribution of financial instruments.
InstrumentsDimension The InstrumentsDimension property determines the dimension of financial tools.
LambdaEMWA The LambdaEMWAnbsp;property determines the value of EMWA lambda.
LogarithmicProfit The LogarithmicProfitnbsp;property determines whether logarithmic yield should be used.
MethodType The MethodType property determines model calculation method.
MissingData The MissingData property returns missing data treatment method.
Portfolio The Portfolio property determines the term that corresponds to variable containing portfolio data.
RandomWalk The RandomWalk property determines whether random walk hypothesis should be used.
StockPrices The StockPrices property determines the term that corresponds to variable containing financial tools data.
UseCholeskyFactorization The UseCholeskyFactorizationnbsp;property determines whether Cholesky factorization should be used.
UseFillGaps The UseFillGaps property determines whether missing data treatment should be used.
ValueAtRisk The ValueAtRisk property determines the term that corresponds to variable containing method execution results.
ZeroMean The ZeroMean property determines whether the zero mean hypothesis should be used.

Properties inherited from IMsMethod

  Property name Brief description
CalculateSeries The CalculateSeries property returns results of model calculation.
Inversion Outdated. Use ITsInversionInfo.Inversion.
InversionInfo The InversionInfo property returns parameters of initial transformation applied to variable.
InversionLag Outdated. Use ITsInversionInfo.InversionLag.
ObservationsCount The ObservationsCount property returns the number of model observations.
PeriodAlignment The PeriodAlignment property returns type of model calculation relative to period.
PreviousInversionLag Outdated. Use ITsInversionInfo.PreviousInversionLag.
Series The Series property returns a set of available series used by current method in calculations.
StatMethod The StatMethod property returns information on statistical method used for model calculation.
Summary The Summary property returns summary statistics calculated for model.
SupportsR The SupportsR property determines whether calculation by R is enabled.
Type The Type property returns type of method used for model calculation.
UseR The UseR property determines whether connection to R is used on method calculation.

Methods inherited from IMsMethod

  Method name Brief description
Execute The Execute method calculates model and returns calculation results.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces