Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsBreakpoints > IMsBreakpoints.Add
Add(Kind: MsBreakpointKind): IMsBreakpoint;
Kind. Added breakpoint type.
The Add method adds a point to the collection.
After execution the method returns the added breakpoint. The point is added to the end of the collection, value of the IMsBreakpoints.Count property is increased by one.
To work with basic breakpoint parameters, use the IMsBreakpoint base interface. To set up calendar breakpoint specific parameters, cast the base interface to the IMsModelCalendarBreakpoint interface (the Kind parameter value is MsBreakpointKind.ModelCalendar). To work with the breakpoint, set in the data, cast the base interface to the IMsDataBreakpoint interface (the Kind parameter value is MsBreakpointKind.Data).
The property use is given in the example for IMsDataBreakpoint.Condition.
See also: