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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > ITimeSeries


Assembly: Ms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;


The ITimeSeries interface is used to pass data series to user calculation method.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
The AlignedDate property returns nearest valid date.
The AsArray property returns or gets a data series with excluded days off.
The Attributes property determines value of the specified series attribute.
Outdated. Use TsCalculation.Current.CalculationType.
The CalendarLevel property returns calendar frequency for series.
The CalendarSettings property returns the calendar level parameters for custom calculation method.
The Changed property shows whether current series point contains changes.
The Coord property returns parameters of series coordinate.
The CurrentDate property returns the current calendar point of the series.
The CurrentIndex property returns index of the current series point.
The CurrentValue property returns value of the current series point.
The EndDate property returns end calendar point for series.
The EndIndex property returns series end index.
The ForecastStartDate property returns forecast period start date for series.
The IsEmpty property returns whether a series is empty.
The Item property determines value of series point by its index.
The PointCount property returns the number of series points.
The StartDate property returns start calendar point for series.
The StartIndex property returns start index for series.
The TermInfo property returns term parameters.


  Method name Brief description
The CheckCompatible method checks the current and specified series for compatibility.
The DateToIndex method returns index of the specified calendar series point.
The IndexToDate method returns calendar series point by its index.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces