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Matrix > Matrix Assembly Interfaces > IMatrixIterator



The IMatrixIterator interface contains properties and methods of a data matrix iterator.


  Property name Brief description
The EqualTo property returns comparison indicator of the current iterator with the iterator passed as a parameter.
The ItemID property returns index of the element, on which the iterator cursor is currently put.
The Matrix property returns source matrix.
The ValueFlag property determines value of the flag, that is used to select changed elements, for the current element in the iterator.
The Values property determines value of the specified attribute for the matrix element, on which the iterator cursor is currently put.

Properties inherited from IMatrixModelIterator

  Property name Brief description
The MatrixModel property returns parent object.
The Valid property returns whether moving to some iterator element is correct.
The Value property determines value of the element, on which the iterator cursor is currently put.


  Method name Brief description
The Assign method sets parameters of the current iterator according to parameters of the specified iterator.
The NextValid method performs transition in iterator to the position corresponding to the next correct element in a matrix relative to the element, which coordinate is passed by the input parameter.
In the current implementation the method operates as the NextValid method.
The SetValueFlagEx method performs bitwise operations with an element flag value.

Methods inherited from IMatrixModelIterator

  Method name Brief description
The PutCoord method goes to the iterator position, which corresponds to the specified matrix coordinate.
The Move method moves in the specified direction.
The PutCoord method goes to the iterator position, which corresponds to the specified matrix coordinate.
The PutCurrentPos method calculates the current position in the matrix.

See also:

Matrix Assembly Interfaces