Matrix > Matrix Assembly Interfaces > IMatrixAggregatorModelHierarchies > IMatrixAggregatorModelHierarchies.FindById
FindById(HierarchyId: String): IMatrixAggregatorModel;
FindById(HierarchyId: System.String): Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Matrix.IMatrixAggregatorModel;
HierarchyId. Identifier of mechanism or method of aggregation by alternative hierarchy levels.
The FindById method searches for parameters of mechanism or method of aggregation by alternative hierarchy levels in the collection of alternative hierarchies by the specified identifier.
To get identifiers of mechanism or method of aggregation by alternative hierarchy levels in the collection of alternative hierarchies, use the IMatrixAggregatorModel.HierarchyId method.
The collection of alternative hierarchies is contained in the Alternative Hierarchies folder with alternative hierarchy levels available for the dictionary.
See also: