Matrix > Matrix Assembly Interfaces > IMatrix > IMatrix.SwapTo
SwapTo(Dims: IDimSelectionSet): IMatrix;
Dims - dimensions selection, according to which dimensions are swapped in a matrix.
The SwapTo method swaps dimensions with data in a matrix. Dimensions are swapped according to the elements selection passed by the Dims parameter.
Executing the example requires a cube with the Cube_1 identifier that contains three dimensions.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
Cube: ICubeInstance;
DefDes: ICubeInstanceDestination;
Matr, Matr1: IMatrix;
DimSS, DimSS1: IDimSelectionSet;
SSFact: IDimSelectionSetFactory;
DimS: IDimSelection;
i, x, y, z: Integer;
M: Matrix[3];
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Cube := MB.ItemById("Cube_1").Open(Null) As ICubeInstance;
DefDes := Cube.Destinations.DefaultDestination;
DimSS := DefDes.CreateDimSelectionSet;
For Each DimS In DimSS Do
End For;
SSFact := New DimSelectionSetFactory.Create;
DimSS1 := SSFact.CreateDimSelectionSet;
//Selection of dimensions arranged in inverse order
For i := DimSS.Count - 1 To 0 Step - 1 Do
End For;
For Each DimS In DimSS1 Do
End For;
//Source matrix
Matr := DefDes.Execute(DimSS);
//Matrix with swapped dimensions
Matr1 := Matr.SwapTo(DimSS1);
M := Matr;
Debug.WriteLine("Source matrix");
For x := Matr.LowerBound(0) To Matr.UpperBound(0) Do
For y := Matr.LowerBound(1) To Matr.UpperBound(1) Do
For z := Matr.LowerBound(2) To Matr.UpperBound(2) Do
Debug.Write(M[x, y, z] + " ");
End For;
End For;
End For;
M := Matr1;
Debug.WriteLine("Matrix with swapped dimensions");
For x := Matr1.LowerBound(0) To Matr1.UpperBound(0) Do
For y := Matr1.LowerBound(1) To Matr1.UpperBound(1) Do
For z := Matr1.LowerBound(2) To Matr1.UpperBound(2) Do
Debug.Write(M[x, y, z] + " ");
End For;
End For;
End For;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a matrix with data is created on the basis of a cube. After dimensions are swapped in inverse order, another matrix with data is created. Elements values of both matrices are displayed in the development environment console.
See also: