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Matrix > Matrix Assembly Interfaces > IChronologicalMatrixLevelAggregator



The IChronologicalMatrixLevelAggregator interface contains properties that determine parameters of chronological aggregation mechanism by the specified level.


  Property name Brief description
The IncludeChildren property determines whether direct child elements values are used during aggregation.
The Level property returns level of the dimension, for which it is necessary to set up aggregation parameters.
The Operation property determines aggregation method used for elements of the selected dimension level.
The ResultToSourceLevel property determines whether aggregation results are saved to source level.
The ResultToThisLevel property determines whether aggregation results are saved to this level.
The SourceLevel property determines level of dimension from which data for aggregation is taken.
The UseDefaultLevelAggregation property determines whether aggregation settings are used for default level.

See also:

Matrix Assembly Interfaces