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Matrix > Matrix Assembly Interfaces > IBasicMatrixLevelAggregator > IBasicMatrixLevelAggregator.Operation



Operation: BasicAggregatorOperation;


The Operation property determines aggregation method used for elements of the selected dimension level.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a cube with the Cube_1 identifier. The cube includes the D_TO dimension that contains more than two levels.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

MObj: IMetabaseObject;

StandCub: IStandardCube;

Man: IMatrixAggregatorManager;

Dim: IStandardCubeDimension;

Lvl: IDimLevels;

BasicAggr: IBasicMatrixAggregator;

LevAggr: IBasicMatrixLevelAggregator;

Dest: IStandardCubeDestination;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

MObj := MB.ItemById("CUBE_1").Edit;

StandCub := MObj As IStandardCube;

//Create a new aggregator

Man := New MatrixAggregatorManager.Create As IMatrixAggregatorManager;

//Basic aggregation mechanism

BasicAggr := Man.CreateAggregator("BasicMatrixAggregator") As IBasicMatrixAggregator;

//For dimension D_TO

Dim := StandCub.Dimensions.FindById("D_TO");

Lvl := Dim.Dimension.Levels;

BasicAggr.Dimension := Dim.Dimension;

//For default level

LevAggr := BasicAggr.DefaultLevelAggregation;

LevAggr.Operation := BasicAggregatorOperation.ArithmeticalMean;

LevAggr.PreserveExistingData := True;

LevAggr.PreserveMethod := ExistingDataPreserveMethod.OnNull;

//For the second level

//Destination level

LevAggr := BasicAggr.LevelAggregation(Lvl.Item(Lvl.Count - 2));

LevAggr.UseDefaultLevelAggregation := False;

//Method - Actual mean

LevAggr.Operation := BasicAggregatorOperation.ActualMean;

//Source level

LevAggr.Include(Lvl.Item(Lvl.Count - 1)) := True;

//Setup of aggregation by the first element of facts dimension

Dest := StandCub.Destinations.Item(0);

Dim.Aggregator(1, Dest) := BasicAggr;


End Sub Main;

After executing the example aggregation for the D_TO dimension is set up in the cube. For default dimensions aggregation with the use of arithmetic mean is performed. Non-aggregated data is saved if the result is not an empty value. Own settings are set for the level next to last. Data is aggregated from the last level using the actual mean method.

See also:
